Pellet installations
MAG Ltd manufactures, supplies, installs, as well as supplies spare parts for machines for manufacturing of pellets. The company has technological solutions and a wide experience in solving of already mounted installations of Chinese, Italian and German companies as: KAHL, NOVA PELLET, SEVEN, WANWAMEL, BUHLER , MATADOR, LA MECCANICA, GENERAL DIES.
The main problem that companies face with pellet installations are:
- Poor service activities by the above mentioned companies
- Long delivery time of spare parts
- We have made a deep analysis of the main problems that owners of pellet installations experience. We have on stock the spare parts for the manufactured by us machines and installations and we are ready to solve the problem within 24 hours.
Our experience
MAG Ltd. has developed several lines for pellets:
- 4 tons per hour with quality of pellets А++,situated in the town of Kyustendil
- Line for 1.5 tons per hour in the town of Kresna
We produce also separate machines with different technical characteristics:
- Drying installations : drum-based two-three drives
- Drying installations on the principle of fluidized bed target about 2 tons per hour, patented by our workmanship
- Crushers, shredders
- Hammer mills
- Augers
- Elevators, elevator buckets
- Hoppers
- Sieves
- Vibrating sieves for sifting pellets
- Cyclones
- Dust removers
Нашият опит
МАГ ООД има няколко изградени линии за пелети:
- 4 тона на час с качество на пелетите А++, намираща се в гр.Кюстендил
- Линия за 1.5 тона на час в гр. Кресна
Произвеждаме и отделни машини с различни технически характеристики :
- Сушилни инсталации: барабанни дву и три ходови
- Сушилни на принципа на кипящ слой за 2 тона на час,патентована по наша разработка
- Дробилки,шредери
- Чукови мелници
- Шнекове
- Елеватори,кофични елеватори
- Бункери
- Сита
- Вибро сита за пресяване на пелети
- Циклони
- Обезпрашители